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Sample : Fibrous aggregate of pale green actinolite.
Location : Europe, Italy, Piedmont, Antronapiana,
Sample : Lawsonite-bearing metagabbro
Location : Europe, France, Queyras,
Sample : Metagabbro
Location : Europe, France, Alps, Chamrousse,
Sample : Peralkaline nepheline syenite.
Location : Africa, Guinea, Los Islands, Kassa Island,
Sample : Peralkaline nepheline syenite containing brown astrophyllite slats.
Location : Africa, Guinea, Los Archipelago,
Sample : Separated euhedral phenocryst of augite.
Location : Europe, Italy, Aeolian Islands, Stromboli volcano,
Sample : Separated euhedral phenocryst of augite.
Sample : Thin section of trachyte from the Suc de Monac
Location : Europe, France, Massif central, Monac,
Sample : Thin section of andesite from the Stromboli volcano
Location : Europe, Italy, Aeolian Islands, Stromboli,
Sample : Retrogressed blueschist thin section.
Location : Europe, France, Armorican Massif, Bois-de-Céné,
Sample : Anorthosite.
Location : Africa, South Africa, Bushveld Complex, Tweefontein Mine,
Sample : Layered gabbro.
Location : Africa, South Africa, Bushveld Complex,
Sample : Separated dark green prismatic crystal of diopside.
Location : Africa, Madagascar,
Sample : Green prismatic diopside crystal on a calcite and anhydrite matrix.
Location : Africa, Madagascar, Toliara, Ampandrandava Mine,
Sample : Green prismatic diopside crystals and rhombohedral calcite crystals
Sample : Metamict zircon on calcite with diopside
Location : Africa, Madagascar, Armorican Massif, Andilamena,
Sample : Eclogite
Location : Europe, France, Armorican Massif, Saint-Philbert-de-Grand-Lieu,
Sample : Blueschist.
Location : Europe, France, Ile de Groix,
Sample : Eclogite.
Location : Asia, Oman, As Sifah,
Sample : Lawsonite-bearing metagabbro
Location : Europe, France, Queyras,
Sample : Retrogressed blueschist thin section.
Location : Europe, France, Armorican Massif, Bois-de-Céné,
Location : Europe, France, Massif des Maures,
Amphibole Group > Magnesium-iron-manganese Amphibole Subgroup
Location : Europe, France, Massif des Maures,
Amphibole Group > Magnesium-iron-manganese Amphibole Subgroup
Sample : Thin section of dacite from the Pitons du Carbet volcano
Location : Central America and the Caribbean islands, Lesser Antilles, Martinique, Bellefontaine,
Sample : Anorthosite.
Location : Africa, South Africa, Bushveld Complex, Tweefontein Mine,
Sample : Layered gabbro.
Location : Africa, South Africa, Bushveld Complex,
Sample : Jadeite-bearing leucocratic orthogneiss.
Location : Europe, Italy, Piedmont, Settimo Vittone,
Sample : Essexite
Location : Pacific Ocean, France (French Polynesia), Tahiti,
Sample : Nepheline syenite
Location : Pacific Ocean, France (French Polynesia), Tahiti, Papenoo,
Sample : Nepheline syenite
Location : Pacific Ocean, France (French Polynesia), Tahiti, Papenoo,
Sample : Thin section of trachyte from the Suc de Monac
Location : Europe, France, Massif central, Monac,
Sample : Eclogite.
Location : Europe, Italy, Aosta Valley, Val Clavalité,
Sample : Eclogite.
Location : Europe, France, Massif Central, Puy de Bavaud,
Sample : Eclogite.
Location : Europe, Italy, Alps, Sampeyre,
Sample : Eclogite
Location : Europe, France, Armorican Massif, Saint-Philbert-de-Grand-Lieu,
Sample : Andesite.
Location : South America, Ecuador, Chimborazo volcano,
Sample : Fibrous aggregate of Tremolite
Sample : Wollastonite marble
Location : Europe, Italy, Elba,